
Here is where you will find all the latest NEWS about ongoing and upcoming projects and publications.

From articles to books, fiction to non-fiction, you will find updates here with exciting news each month.

Introducing 23 Kilos Down

I am pleased to announce that our sister website, is up and live! This is for a healthy body as The Nous that Jack Built is for a healthy mind, and here you will find a specific site dedicated to weight control and weight loss, all based on the same approach to thinking that you will find at The Nous that Jack Built. In time, I will be releasing the book, 23 Kilos Down, which you will be able to purchase through the website.

Word cloud of what Jack is about

More articles added by the day

As I go through the backlog of all the articles I have written over the years, I am adding blog pieces by the day, so the word count on this site will soon be into 5 figures. Keep checking back for new pieces!

Women's Auxiliary Corps at war

Work has begun on a new novel

As I make my way through the lockdown period, I am continuing to stay busy by taking on a number of new projects, one of which is a novel about a young mum who suddenly finds herself faced with some very unexpected challenges. Stay tuned to hear more as the story unfolds!

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