Available in all good libraries… well, one good library!

“It is easy to give in on those dark days, but seeing these photos really makes me smile, and reminds me it is all worth it.” Some takeaways… As Churchill said: “Keep buggering on.” Nothing worth doing was ever easily achieved. Keep your eyes on the prize – that vision will get you through. Savour […]

What is the point of a bonus point? Performance management in action

“Scoring tries makes for more exciting rugby, which means more people watching, which encourages more try scoring, which means more people watching… and so on in a self-perpetuating virtuous circle.” Some takeaways… ‘What you reward is what you get’. By being rewarded for particular behaviours, rugby teams are nudged towards actively choosing the desired course […]

Outwitted by a child

“…being able to think around the question and find creative solutions is only going to become more and more valuable.” Some takeaways… We can sometimes be too fixed in our own thinking. Flexibility of thought can result in finding an ‘outside the box’ solution. Use the resources at hand and think around the problem, and […]